Kamis, 31 Agustus 2017

15 Signs of Liver Disease That Could Save Your Life

(HealthAndLovePage) The liver is the largest gland in the human body. It is also one of the most important ones. That’s why it is very important to recognize the symptoms of liver disease. This disease can be life-threatening and it can seriously affect the health condition of any individual.

Although this disease is not frequent it is known as one of the deadliest. If the disease has progressed very far, it is very difficult (maybe impossible) to heal it. The liver has an average weight of 3,5 pounds and it is 6,4 inches long, 8 inches wide and about 4,5 inches thick which means that this is the largest organ in the system. This organ can be separated into two basic elements – a small left lobe and a larger right lobe.

What does the liver do?

  • Breaks down hormones.
  • Purifies the blood and clears the impurities that accumulate in the blood.
  • Creates and secretes bile to assist the body’s efforts to absorb fat.
  • Filters water and removes all toxins, alcohol and drugs.
  • Decomposes dangerous chemicals.
  • Stores and takes care of toxins that cannot be decomposed.

The modern unhealthy dieting is ruining your health. The fast food you consume when you don’t have enough time (and this is something that happens quite often these days) has a strong negative impact on the liver. For example, when you consume fatty food in large quantities, you also increase the levels of alanine aminotransferase. This is an enzyme that shows liver damage and increases the chances for developing hepatitis C and type 2 diabetes.

However, it is not only the poor eating habits that causes problems in the liver – drinking alcohol and other potentially dangerous beverages can also have negative impact on the liver. There are several liver diseases related to poor drinking habits and one of the deadliest ones is cirrhosis. More than 25.000 people in North America die as a result of this vicious disease.

15 Common Signs of Liver Disease

  1. Strong body odor.
  2. Bad breath (halitosis).
  3. Nausea.
  4. Strong puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.
  5. Yellowing skin.
  6. Unusual brown spots on the skin all over the body.
  7. Discoloration of urine and stool.
  8. Tender and/or swollen eyeballs.
  9. Sudden and frequent cravings for sweet things or food in general – usually linked with type 2 diabetes and unstable blood sugar levels.
  10. Much slower ability to metabolize fats – small fatty tumors just under the skin, bloating, weight gain and hypertension.
  11. Problems in the digestive system – irritable bowel syndrome, inability to properly manage food and drink, constipation, indigestion and hemorrhoids.
  12. Experiencing bruises more easily and frequently.
  13. Erectile dysfunction.
  14. Enlarged male breasts.
  15. Abdominal pain in the right upper section.

Your liver is one of the vital organs of your body which constantly works on the improvement of your overall health. It is crucial to take proper care of it. In case you notice any of these symptoms, make sure to consult your doctor.

Here Is A Natural Way To Get Rid Of Knee Pain And Water In Your Knee!

The joints are composed of small amounts of fluids that are needed for proper functioning and these small amounts of fluids are usually not noticeable. But, excessive amount of liquids in it are problematic for they diminish the normal functions of the knee, causing painful symptoms.

The knee may swell due to injury on the tendons, meniscuses, and ligaments. Overuse of the knees or suffering from arthritis can also contribute to swollen knees. It can affect the knee joint or the surrounding tissue, or can also cause ‘water in the knee’.

Natural remedies can help, but if the swelling does not go away, you have to visit a doctor.

Home remedies for water in the knee

-Apply an ice pack on each 10 minutes.
-Quit smoking for this habit is reducing the blood and oxygen flow in the body, reducing the tissue’s ability to repair itself.
-Elevate the affected leg to the accumulated fluid to distribute naturally over the knee cavity. When you lie on the bed, place two pillow under the affected leg.

Recipe for reducing pain and water in the knee caused by injury


-1 tbsp. of salt;
-1 fresh egg yolk.

How to prepare it: mix the two ingredients and apply it on the affected spot, covering it with a nylon or cellophane. Finally, secure it with a bandage. Apply a fresh coating every 2 hours. You will be needing 5 coverages daily.

If in case the situation does not improve you need to visit a doctor.

Rabu, 30 Agustus 2017

12 foods that can save your heart

A healthy diet can prevent heart disease. Here are the top foods to include in your heart healthy diet to help you protect your heart with every bite.

Can you eat your way to a healthier heart? 

At Qardio, we say yes. Preventing heart disease isn’t just about avoiding unhealthy foods. By choosing the right foods and eating them regularly you can help keep your blood pressure and cholesterol levels in check. Here is a list of 12 foods that can save your heart.


It’s no surprise that avocado is on the top of our list as it is high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, otherwise known as the healthy fats. Being naturally cholesterol free, avocado makes a great replacement for spreads such as butter or mayonnaise. But be careful, avocados are high in calories, so keep your portions modest.


Blueberries make for a great heart healthy snack. Their dark blue color provides specific antioxidants which are known for contributing to lowering blood pressure as well as preventing free radical damage. Do make sure you’re eating fresh blueberries, as blueberry flavoured products often contain added sugar and fat, which you want to avoid.


Typically, celery is associated with weight loss. However, it also contributes to helping your heart and veins function better, which has a trickle down effect of keeping your blood pressure in check. Two benefits in one simple snack, what more could you want?

Dark Chocolate

The antioxidants found in dark chocolate – particularly procyanindins – help reduce the amount of cholesterol your body absorbs. This makes dark chocolate the perfect, guilt-free treat. But make sure it’s at least 70% cocoa and keep your portions small – this is not an excuse to binge!


Flaxseed is considered a ‘wonder food’ because of its many health benefits. It is rich in omega-3 and contains lots of fiber. Your body needs more omega-3 than omega-5 for heart health, so we recommend adding flaxseed to your daily diet. Flaxseeds work wonderfully as a topping on yoghurt, soup or salad, and can even be blended into smoothies.

Green Tea

Green tea is thought to prevent heart disease or any condition caused by excessive inflammation. It also boosts metabolism and contains caffeine, which will keep you energised throughout the day.


The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish are good for your heart. They prevent your blood from clotting, improving your circulatory system and stabilising your blood pressure. High blood pressure can weaken your heart in the long term by making it overwork. The American Heart Association recommends that people eat fish at least twice a week, and make sure your salmon is wild to fully reap all of the benefits.


Garlic contains a compound called allicin, which is believed to bring most of it’s health benefits. Eating garlic regularly can help lower your cholesterol levels. However, reaching your daily requirement of garlic is not always feasible, so you can opt for a garlic supplement as a more effective means to lowering your cholesterol.


Just a handful of nuts can get you one step closer to a healthy heart. Almonds and Walnuts help your heart by lowering bad cholesterol levels as well as keeping your blood sugar in check. They also help you lose body fat by keeping you fuller longer.

Red wine

Red wine, in moderation, has long been thought of as heart-healthy. The antioxidant in red wine – resveratrol – which comes from the skin of grapes is linked to preventing heart disease. It protects the lining of blood vessels in your heart as well as preventing blood clots, giving you the perfect excuse to enjoy a glass a day.


Oats are known for their health benefits from lowering cholesterol levels and helping with fiber intake. They do this by acting as a sponge that carries cholesterol out of your body. What’s more, is they make for the perfect breakfast, slowly releasing energy throughout your day.


Spinach is one of the most nutrient dense foods you can get. The fiber lowers cholesterol levels, whilst the lutein aids your arteries. Eating spinach fresh is best, so add it to your salads or smoothies to complement your heart healthy diet.

So when you write up your grocery list, make sure you’re including these heart healthy foods!

Learn to keep track of your blood pressure with QardioArm, our smart, wireless blood pressure monitor to really get to know the difference your diet can make to your heart

Natural Remedy To Stop Hair Loss And Accelerate Growth

Hair is part of the aesthetics of both men and women. There are factors that promote hair loss, such as stress, age, food, among others. However, this does not mean that we have to resign ourselves to losing our hair.

Some foods by their properties, nutrients and chemical composition, help to strengthen the follicles and the scalp, thus producing a considerable reduction of hair loss and promoting its growth in a more accelerated way.

The main cause of hair loss is the weakening of the follicles, which are difficult to hold the strands of hair. If we strengthen the strands, our problem is very likely to be solved in a short time.


This remedy is easy to prepare, and its ingredients are inexpensive and easy to get in any local market.


-3 tablespoons Aloe Vera pulp
-1 tablespoon olive oil
-1 tablespoon honey
-Half red onion (cut into slices)
-1 small potato (cut into slices)
-1 cup of water


Take the following steps to prepare a powerful remedy that will heal your scalp and give strength to the strands of your hair, with which you will accelerate the growth of hair and stop its fall.

Step 1: Bring a cup of water to boil, and add a potato and half onion, both ingredients that should be cut into slices. Let them boil for 10 minutes and then let them cool, then remove only the resulting liquid.

Step 2: Put in a bowl the liquid of the onion and the potato, and proceed to add the 3 tablespoons of pulp of aloe vera, the tablespoon of olive oil and the spoonful of honey. Then, mix the ingredients well with a spoon and let them stand for 30 to 45 minutes.

Step 3: After the rest time passes, apply the remedy gently in your hair, concentrating on reaching the root of the hair (scalp). Leave the remedy applied on your hair for 30 minutes and finally remove with plenty of water.

After removing the remedy you can wash your hair as you normally do.

You can use this remedy as often as you want, and for as long as you want, but at least you should do it at least 2 or 3 times a month in order to see positive results.

The Plant That Kills Cancer Cells, Stops Diabetes And Boosts Your Immune System!

Not-So-Bitter Melon Juice


1 bitter melon*
3 apples
2 celery stalks
1 cucumber
1 lemon
*You can find bitter melon in most Asian or health food markets.


Wash produce well.
Cut the bitter melon in length-side to scoop out seeds and flesh.
Decore apples.
Chop ingredients, making sure to leave the peel intact.
Add salt and honey to taste.
Juice and enjoy!

Thyroid Gland Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment- Surgery, Harmone, Chemo Therapy

Thyroid gland cancer is a cancer which originates in the cells of the thyroid gland. Thyroid is a gland which is shaped like a butterfly and is situated at the base of the neck, below Adam's apple. The thyroid gland produces hormones which help in regulating blood pressure, heart rate, temperature of the body and your weight.

Thyroid cancer is not that common in the United States; however, its incidence seems to be increasing of late.
Majority of the patients suffering from thyroid cancer can be treated easily with chemotherapy, radioactive iodine, thyroid hormone therapy, external radiation therapy and surgery.

Types of Thyroid Gland Cancer

  • Papillary Thyroid Cancer: This is the most common type of thyroid cancer and constitutes for about 80% thyroid cancer cases.
  • Follicular Thyroid Cancer: This type includes Hurthle cell cancer.
  • Medullary Thyroid Cancer: This type of thyroid cancer can be related with inherited genetic syndromes which involve tumors in other glands. However, majority of the medullary thyroid cancers are intermittent and usually are not related with inherited genetic syndromes.
  • Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer: This is a rare type of thyroid cancer and is very aggressive; and hence difficult to treat.
  • Thyroid Lymphoma: This type of thyroid cancer starts in the thyroid's immune system cells and is quite rare.

Causes of Thyroid Gland Cancer

The cause of thyroid cancer is not clear. It is believed that genetic changes or mutations in the thyroid cells cause the cancer. Due to the mutation, the cells grow and multiply at great speed. These cells also continue to live on instead of dying like normal cells. The buildup of the abnormal thyroid cells result in formation of a tumor. These abnormal cells infiltrate the nearby tissue and metastasize throughout the body.

Risk Factors for Thyroid Gland Cancer

  • Exposure to large doses of radiation to the head and neck or from other sources, such as weapons testing and nuclear power plant accidents, increases the risk of developing thyroid cancer.
  • Goiter is a noncancerous condition in which the thyroid gets enlarged. Having this condition also increases the risk of developing thyroid cancer.
  • There are certain inherited genetic syndromes, such as multiple endocrine neoplasia, familial medullary thyroid cancer and familial adenomatous polyposis, increases the risk of developing thyroid cancer.

Signs and Symptoms of Thyroid Gland Cancer

  • Appearance of a lump which can be felt on the neck through the skin.
  • Changes in the voice, such as hoarseness.
  • Patient also has difficulty in swallowing.
  • Patient also experiences pain in the throat and neck.
  • There is swelling in the lymph nodes of the neck.

Investigations for Thyroid Gland Cancer

  • A physical exam is done on the neck to check for any lumps and lymph node swelling.
  • Blood tests are done including a test which measures the level of TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) in the body.
  • Imaging tests like ultrasound of the neck are done to determine the nature of the lump and also to check for enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Ultrasound-guided needle biopsy is done to remove cells from the thyroid and to examine them with the help of a microscope so as to detect cancer cells.

Treatment for Thyroid Gland Cancer

Treatment depends on the type of bone cancer, the stage of the cancer and patient's general health. Treatment options comprise of chemotherapy, radiation, surgery or a combination of all. With treatment, majority of thyroid cancer patients can be cured.

Surgery for Thyroid Gland Cancer

Many patients suffering from thyroid cancer have to undergo surgery to either remove the entire or most of the thyroid gland. Surgeries done to treat thyroid cancer are:

  • Thyroidectomy: This comprises of removing the entire or majority of the thyroid. The most common treatment for thyroid cancer is surgery to remove the entire thyroid.
  • The surgeon after removing the thyroid may also remove the enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and send them for further testing for cancer cells.

Thyroid Hormone Therapy for Thyroid Gland Cancer

This therapy is done after the surgery for thyroid cancer. Patient is instructed to take thyroid hormone medications such as levothyroxine (Synthroid, Levothroid etc.) for life. This medicine helps in two ways. One is by supplying the missing hormone which the thyroid normally produces. Second is by suppressing the production of TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) from the pituitary gland, as high levels of TSH may encourage the growth of the remaining cancer cells.

Radioactive Iodine for Thyroid Gland Cancer

This treatment with radioactive iodine involves using large doses of radioactive iodine. Radioactive iodine treatment is commonly used after thyroidectomy surgery to kill any minute areas of thyroid cancer which were not removed during surgery. Radioactive iodine treatment is also used for treating recurring thyroid cancer after treatment or that cancer which metastasizes to other regions of the body.

Radioactive iodine treatment is done via a capsule form or liquid which the patient can swallow. The radioactive iodine is absorbed mainly by thyroid cells and thyroid cancer cells, so there is very little chance of harming the other cells in the body.

Side Effects Of Radioactive Iodine Are: Dry mouth and eyes, nausea, changes in taste or smell, pain felt where the thyroid cancer cells have metastasized like in chest or neck.
The majority of the radioactive iodine exits the body via urine in the initial few days after commencement of treatment. During this time you have to avoid close contact with others, particularly pregnant women and children, so as to avoid radiation exposure to them.

External Radiation Therapy for Thyroid Gland Cancer

External radiation therapy is done with the help of a machine which aims high-energy beams at specific points on the body. This treatment is also known as External Beam Radiation Therapy and is usually given for some minutes at a time and for five days in a week, for around six weeks. External radiation therapy is often used for treating thyroid cancer which has metastasized to the bones.
Chemotherapy for Thyroid Gland Cancer

Chemotherapy is a treatment which involves the use of drugs/ chemicals to destroy cancer cells. Chemotherapy is often given intravenously so that it can travel throughout your body, thus destroying the rapidly growing cells and cancer cells.
Although chemotherapy is not used that much for treating thyroid cancer, but it is helpful for those patients who are not benefitting from other types of therapies.

9 Natural Home Remedies to Remove Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Remedies to Remove Pregnancy Stretch Marks
Pregnancy brings lots of changes in women’s body most common among these changes are stretch marks or striae. Most of the pregnant women get stretch marks during their pregnancy. Stretch marks are pink, purple, or red narrow lines on the skin surface. Stretch marks are caused due to stretching of abdomen muscles and skin during pregnancy due to the growing baby in the womb. Stretch marks are also formed on thighs, buttocks, upper arms, breast and lower back. These stretch marks can gradually reduce if they are treated in right time. If you are looking for home remedies to reduce pregnancy stretch marks naturally you will find this article helpful.

Home Remedies to Reduce Stretch Mark Naturally

There are many products such as moisturizers, creams, gels and lotions available in the market that claims to be effective in reducing stretch marks. Laser therapies such as Pulse dye laser therapy and cosmetic surgeries can be suggested by your doctor to reduce these stretch lines. But these ways of treatment are usually very costly as well has lots of attached risks. Below are discussed home remedies to reduce stretch marks naturally that are simple as well as cost effective:

  • Castor Oil to Reduce Pregnancy Stretch Marks Naturally– Massage the area with the stretch mark with castor oil for about 15 to 20 minutes daily in a circular motion and then cover the area with the stretch mark by wrapping it with a cotton cloth for a few minutes. Following this provide some heat to the Effected area. Practice, this whole procedure daily for a half hour and you will find stretch marks reducing gradually.
  • Vicks Vapor Rub– Rub Vicks Vapor Rub to the Affected area and Wrap the area with a cotton cloth and leave it overnight. Stretch mark is sure to be reduced. If the stretch mark is not gone, then repeat the given procedure following night as this is an effective way to reduce pregnancy stretch mark naturally.
  • Aloe Vera gel– This is commonly available and easy method to reduce pregnancy stretch mark naturally. Extract, Aloe Vera gels from the Aloe Vera plant and apply it to the affected area for visible results in a few days. Keep in mind this treatment is effective only in early stages of the stretch marks.
  • Potato Juice- This is an easily available remedy to reduce pregnancy stretch mark naturally. You just need to cut the potato in slices and rub the slices on stretch marks . This is followed by rinsing the area with cold water. Repeat this procedure daily and you will see the stretch marks fading naturally.
  • Egg white to reduce pregnancy stretch mark naturally– Apply egg white 3 times a day to the area having stretch marks and you will find stretch marks reducing gradually.
  • Coconut Oil- Coconut oil is helpful to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy and also effective to reduce pregnancy stretch mark naturally. Massage the affected area with coconut oil 3 times a day and you will notice the change in a few days.
  • Lemon Juice to reduce pregnancy stretch mark naturally-Lemon is a good bleaching agent. The acidic nature of the lemon lightens the scars. Apply lemon juice directly to the stretch marks and you will find stretch marks reducing gradually.
  • Instant Coffee Mix- Mix, instant coffee powder with some lotion and apply to the area with stretch mark. Leave it for the night and wash off in the morning. This is an instant way to reduce pregnancy stretch mark naturally.
  • Shea Butter to Reduce Pregnancy Stretch mark Naturally– Shea butter is rich in vitamin E and carotene and also improves the elasticity of the skin. Massage the affected area with Shea butter daily and you will find pregnancy stretch mark reducing.

The above-mentioned remedies to reduce pregnancy stretch marks naturally, works best if use in early stages of pregnancy stretch marks. But, they are also effective to reduce stretch marks of later stages and after pregnancy. It is very difficult to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy as there are no much effective preventive measures. The best one can do is treat these stretch marks as early as possible. Drink at least 10 to 15 glasses of water to keep your skin hydrated. Adopt a healthy lifestyle and include foods rich in vitamin c, vitamin e, and protein in your diet. Exercise daily for about 30 minutes. Apply vitamin E rich moisturizer to maintain elasticity of your skin. These factors along with the above-discussed remedies will help you to reduce pregnancy stretch marks naturally.


With this slimming tea you get two things: lose weight and reduce cholesterol. This plant from India prevents saturated fatty acids from lodging in the arteries.
In addition, it stimulates the production of bile so that the liver can dissolve ingested fats.

On the other hand it is ideal for losing weight. Eggplant contains lots, making it an excellent diuretic and contains very few calories. On the other hand, birdseed, while referring to bird food, is an effective and popular remedy for cholesterol.



  • 2 teaspoons of canary seed
  • 1 medium eggplant
  • 1 liter of water Lemon juice

Preparation and use:

Place the canary seed and the eggplant cut into pieces in a bowl with cold water. Bring to a simmer and when the water boils, keep 20 minutes more.

Then remove it from the fire, and leave it at rest. Add lemon juice.

With regard to your consumption, take each morning, fasting, a cup of preparation.

For a better result, it is advisable to drink every day, for a month, as a balanced “cure” blood.

Selasa, 29 Agustus 2017

Grape Masks: Moisturizers And Anti-Wrinkles

The vine is native to Asia Minor and at present its cultivation is widespread in many countries. Its fruit, the grape, has been known since antiquity.

The grapes contain a large amount of antioxidants, which, together with the re-energizing effect of the polyphenols, procyanidols and anthocyanosides, give the skin vitality, energy and protection against skin aging. The vine leaves, clap-shaped, are light green. From branches, leaves tendrils, which are used by the plant to hold as it extends, like a vine.

In addition, these elements contribute to improve peripheral blood circulation. For this reason, the masks of grapes are very suitable for the problems of cuperosis.

Also, polyphenols prevent breakage of elastin and collagen fibers thus avoiding stretch marks.

Red wine is used as an astringent toner and also to reduce swelling and is the basis of wine therapy.
Here are some recipes of natural beauty with grapes

Moisturizing face mask with grapes


-5 grapes (without seeds or skin)
-3 teaspoons of cornstarch
-1 tablespoon of fine oats

Mode of application:

-Step on the grapes and add the cornstarch and oats. Mix until obtaining a homogeneous paste.
-Apply gently on the neck, and face and massage in a circular fashion. Leave on for 10 minutes and remove with warm water.

Body cream based on grapes


-25 grapes (without seeds or skin)
-1/2 cup of clay
-1/4 cup natural grape juice (optional)

Mode of application:

-Mix the grapes with the clay until achieving a compact mass. If the preparation is very dry, you can add the grape juice. Then massage the whole body with this preparation.
-As soon as it is finished, cover with a paper towel or a warm towel so that the heat helps to achieve a better effect. Let stand for half an hour and finally rinse with plenty of water.

Anti-aging moisturizing lotion


-7 large grapes (without seeds or skin)
-1 cup of mineral water
-1 tablespoon lemon juice
-¼ of kiwi juice

Mode of application:

-Mix the ingredients until a compact paste is obtained. Leave to rest for about 3 hours in the refrigerator and then apply on the face and neck. Leave on for 10 minutes, remove with plenty of warm water.

Anti-aging mask for dry skin


-5 large grapes (without seed or skin)
-1 tablespoon honey

Mode of application:

-Whisk the ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Apply on face and leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and then cool.
-The soothing, healing and nourishing elements of honey combine with the anti-aging effects of the grapes.

Anti-aging bath


-3 clusters of grapes
-1 glass of natural grape juice (optional)

Mode of application:

-Crush the clusters of grapes. Paste and pour into the water of the bath tub which should be in a warm temperature so that the pores are opened allowing the active substances of the wine to penetrate.
-If you want a doubly rejuvenating effect add the grape juice. Stay in the bathroom for 15 minutes. Then bathe with fresh water

Moisturizing cream of grapes for all skins

From greasy to dry skins, from the strongest to the most sensitive, they benefit from a protective layer of regenerative water after the facial tonic.


-Distilled water
-Aloe vera juice

Mode of application

-Mix two tablespoons of aloe vera juice, one of distilled water and three of liquefied grape. Stir well and apply immediately.

Other recipes of natural beauty with grapes

-Gently apply the oil of the grape seed under the eyes using the ring finger. It is an excellent moisturizer and will smooth the fine lines that are around your lips, in addition to removing makeup from the eyes. You can use, for that same purpose, the same grapes split in half.

The leaves, infused, serve against cellulite and treat menopause.

Ovarian Cancer Symptoms! Do Not Ignore These 10 Symptoms!

All around the world every year, thousands of women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer and more than a half of women lose the battle against this terrible disease.
Among the most common causes is a genetic predisposition, age, or the excessive use of oral contraceptives.

Every woman should know ovarian cancer symptoms
Ignoring all the ovarian cancer symptoms, women in 80% of cases of cancer are diagnosed only when it reaches an advanced stage.

Do not ignore these 10 ovarian cancer symptoms:

1. Frequent back pain

If you are sure that you do not suffer from osteoporosis
or arthritis, then these pains can be serious ovarian cancer symptoms.

2. Pain in the stomach and pelvis

3. Irregular cycles

Statistically, women older than 55 years are at high risk of ovarian cancer.
However, this may not always be the case.
Cancer can occur even in young girls who have not yet received the first cycle.

4. Fatigue and frequent exhaustion without reason

Shortness of breath, extreme tiredness, nausea and loss of appetite can be serious signs that the patient is in a stage of ovarian cancer.
Over 80% of women experience at least one of the symptoms of ovarian cancer several months before it`s being diagnosed.

5. Early satiety

A sense of fullness or early satiety is one of the 4 important and the most common symptoms of ovarian cancer.
It would be easy to mistake this is a symptom of a problem with digestion, but do not be fooled!

6. Pain during sexual intercourse

Pain during sex is one more strong indication that is an early stage of ovarian cancer.
This refers to the pain and pressure in the pelvic area, and the need to urinate frequently and urgently.
Whether it is more or less painful, it is best to consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

7. Vomiting

According to the gynecologist Jeffrey Stern, in some cases, ovarian cancer is often a clogged intestine, causing nausea, abdominal pain and weight loss.

8. Bloating stomach

If your belly swells and reminds yourself of a pregnant woman, it can be a serious sign that you are in danger.

9. Excessive growth of hair – dark hair

Although usually excessive growth of hair – dark hair is not considered as ovarian cancer symptoms, this is definitely signs that are something going on.
However, some women experience the opposite – the hair loss.

10. Frequent constipation

The area of the stomach and digestive tract are some of the most affected places by cancer – especially if you are in the early stage.
With pain in the stomach area, other symptoms may include digestive problems, loss of appetite and gasses, according to “MedlinePlus”.

5 Delicious Fruit-Infused Water Recipes To Drink Instead Of Soda

Soda can feel like a cool, refreshing drink on a hot day, but it’s hardly the most health-conscious option available.

Loaded with sugar, or its alternative, high-fructose corn syrup, soft drinks are far from good for you.

A regular can of soda (12-oz) contains more than 37 grams of sugar!
According to the American Heart Association (AHA) men should limit their intake of added sugars to 37.5 grams or 9 teaspoons per day.  And women should stick to 25 grams or 6 teaspoons per day.

If you can’t stand the taste of water alone, here’s a list of natural alternatives you should try.

Not only are these easy to prepare but they’re also loaded with antioxidants – perfect for staying cool when it’s hot outside.

1. Strawberry, Basil and Lemon-Infused Water


  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon raw honey
  • 6 fresh basil leaves
  • 5 strawberries
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 3/4 cups water


Slice up the strawberries and set aside one slice for garnish. In a large glass, combine the lemon juice, raw honey, basil and strawberries. Mix them together until the honey has dissolved, then add ice cubes and water, stir it together, and let it sit until chilled. When it’s cold enough, strain the mixture into a large glass with ice cubes. Garnish with the remaining strawberry slice. Get the recipe.

2. Strawberry, Lime, and Cucumber-Infused Water


  • 8 large strawberries
  • 1 cucumber
  • 2 limes


Juice the limes using a hand juicer, then slice up the cucumber and strawberries. Combine the ingredients in a large pitcher of cold water, cover, and let the mixture sit overnight in the refrigerator. Get the recipe.

3. Rosemary and Grapefruit-Infused Water


  • 1 cup chipped ice
  • 4 slices fresh grapefruit
  • 1 sprig fresh rosemary
  • 1 1/4 cup water


Place the ice in a tall glass and set it aside for later. In a cocktail shaker, combine the grapefruit slices and rosemary, using the back of a wooden spoon to mash the ingredients up. Add water, then cover and shake well. Strain the mixture in the ice-filled glass. Get the recipe.

4. Blueberry and Lavender Lemonade


  • 1/4 cup dried lavender
  • 1/12 cups very hot (boiling) water
  • 3/4 to 1 cup raw sugar or honey, to taste
  • 10 lemons
  • 1/2 cup fresh blueberries
  • 2 tbsp water

Pour the boiling water over the dried lavender in a bowl or teapot and let it steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Strain the water into a pitcher, then stir the sugar or honey into the hot water until it is dissolved. Add ice to the pitcher and let the mixture cool. While it’s cooling, juice the lemons, then add the lemon juice to the pitcher, adding cold water at the same time. Puree the blueberries with 2 tablespoons of water in a blender and immediately add the puree to the lemonade, stirring well. Get the recipe.

5. Watermelon and Mint-Infused Water


  • 1 medium-sized watermelon, chopped
  • 2 tbsp mint leaves
  • black salt to taste
  • chaat masala to taste
  • ice cubes

Puree the watermelon and mint leaves in a blender – there’s no need to add water, as watermelon fruit contains a lot of water already. Pour the watermelon juice into tall glasses containing ice cubes and garnish with black salt and chaat masala, a masala made with dried mango powder, cumin, coriander, and other spices. Get the recipe.

It’s a Healthy Way To Keep Yourself Hydrated
Staying hydrated is important all year round, but cool drinks are especially important as it starts to get warmer. In addition to preventing dehydration, a nice cold beverage on a hot day can reduce your risk of heat stroke.

Infused waters are a great way of getting vitamins from fruit, especially if you’re not a big fruit-eater ordinarily. Lemons, which are featured in several of these recipes, are high in vitamin C, and are a powerful antioxidant. Mint, basil, and other herbs will not only give you better-smelling breath but help with digestion as well.

Best of all, there’s no high-fructose corn syrup and you can control how much sugar goes into these refreshing summer drinks.

How To Eat Papaya Seeds To Heal Your Liver, Kidneys And Digestive Tract

Papaya isn’t very popular in the United States.

But as the benefits below will attest, incorporating the fruits into your diet can contribute towards better health and, ultimately, lower risk of disease.

While papaya is typically available as chopped fresh or dry fruit, many of its greatest benefits actually come from its seeds. The seeds have a peppery flavor and can be enjoyed raw, dried, crushed, or frozen.
Since they have a strong taste, they’re best taken with a bit of honey or used to season meat or add flavor to dressings and sauces.

7 Benefits of Papaya Seeds

Start with 2-3 seeds a day and work your way up to a full teaspoon.

1. Liver Detox

Papaya seeds were traditionally used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to detoxify the liver and body. The fruit was also known to protect against chemically-induced liver damage (1,2).

While it’s been documented that papaya seeds are highly beneficial in the treatment of alcohol and malnutrition-induced cirrhosis, studies have yielded mixed results (3). Still, eating both the fruit and seeds are beneficial for your body.

2. Better Digestive Health

The seeds and fruit are a digestive aid that can kill harmful amoebas and parasites.

One study found that dried seeds effectively killed human intestinal parasites without harmful side-effects. In it, the researchers concluded: “Their consumption offers a cheap, natural, harmless, readily available monotherapy and preventive strategy against intestinal parasitosis, especially in tropical communities.”

Another study found that the seeds protected the digestive tract from ulcers by increasing mucus production and decreasing gastric acidity.

3. Fight Inflammation

These powerful seeds contain papain and chymopapain, enzymes that have the ability to lower inflammation and promote healing. In Latin America, a paste made from the seeds was traditionally applied to burns and wounds to speed recovery.

The seeds are also commonly used to benefit asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and other inflammatory conditions.

4. Protect Your Kidneys

Papaya seeds are known to protect kidneys from toxin-induced kidney failure.

A study published in African Health Science found that the seeds have the ability to reverse paracetamol-induced kidney damage. Paracetamol, called acetaminophen in North America, is the active ingredient in Tylenol and other over-the-counter pain and fever reducers.

5. Lower High Blood Pressure

Papaya seeds have documented heart benefits. Among other things, the seeds effectively control diabetes, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia.

Carpaine, an alkaloid found in the seeds, slows heart rate by reducing blood pressure. In terms of efficacy, it’s even been compared to digitalis, a drug typically prescribed heart patients (8).

6. Prevent Cancer

A study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer examined the chemopreventive properties of the seeds. They found that the seeds’ flavonoids prevented cancer through their antioxidative and anti-inflammatory mechanisms. In particular, the compounds protected both healthy cells and the genetic information they contain.

The seeds are also chock-full of isothiocyanates, compounds that prevent cancer by enhancing the transcription of tumor suppressor proteins. They are most effective against chemically-induced cancers of the lung, liver, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, and mammary gland (breast).

7. Prevent Pregnancy

Papaya seeds are a primitive form of birth control with measurable benefits.

In mouse studies, male mice treated with 20 mg of papaya seeds per kilogram of weight orally for 60 days were found to be significantly less fertile than the control group.

In rabbit studies, animals were given 20mg a day for 150 days. Within 45 days, sperm motility and viability were severely affected. By the 75th day, only 1% of sperm were viable. Researchers found the spermatozoa’s acrosome, midpiece, tail were damaged by the seeds. The heads and tails were also detached on many specimens.

During the study, the rabbits reached a 0% fertility rate without negative side effects or loss of libido. Best of all, the effects were reversible: 45 days after the end of the study, fertility was restored in all subjects.

Although the seeds may help prevent pregnancy, they aren’t foolproof and they do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, so they should be used alongside conventional contraception.