Minggu, 24 September 2017


Vaginal itching and a burning sensation in the genital region is a common issue faced by women across the world which is a cause of tremendous irritation and uncomfortable as well. This is due to the fact that when someone feels the need to itch, they are unable to follow suit as the place to itch on is not considered to be proper and thus women has to stop the urge to itch till they are somewhere alone or in a place devoid of onlookers.

Genital itching, in this case vaginal itching and the burning sensation can be caused due to numerous reasons. This can be caused due to bacterial or yeast infections, due to chemicals and also due to the use of sanitary napkins while menstruating. Other reasons for this issue can be wearing tight clothing, lack of hygiene after any sexual acts and sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) as well. It has also been seen that stress and a weak immunity system may also lead to vaginal itching and burning sensation as well. When the itching and the irritation goes out of hand, it leads to the feeling of pain the vagina.

Sometimes this problem is prevalent and seizes to be without medical intervention. But, many times people even go beyond this and want to use something natural and turn into the home remedies to get relief from this burning sensation and uncomfortable and embarrassing itchy feeling.



An effective home remedy to eradicate the itchy feeling in the vagina as well as to reduce the burning sensation, garlic does wonders. Garlic is known to have anti- bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties which help in case of itching or burning sensation if caused by microbes or irritants as well. Vaginal itching can be effectively stopped by making a paste of garlic powder and its cloves with water and applying it on the problem areas. Apart from this, in case one thinks that the reason behind this itch and burn is a yeast infection, he or she can insert a garlic clove into the vagina to get instant relief.

Another great home remedy to stop the itching and burning sensations in the vaginal area is by the application of plain yogurt in there. The active cultures present in the yogurt helps in controlling the growth and spread of infection in the body and also helps in killing the bacteria and yeasts present in the vagina and promoting the growth of good bacteria’s too.

Sea Salt or Epsom salt bath can be taken on regular basis to get rid of the itchy and burning vagina. This is due to the anti-bacterial properties in the salt which helps in decreasing bacterial growth in the vaginal region as well. Washing the vaginal zone with a mixture of water and salt helps in controlling the itch instantly!

Loaded with medicinal benefits, apple cider vinegar is used extensive as a natural remedy for various diseases and issues. In this case, the antibacterial and antifungal properties present in the apple cider vinegar helps in the treatment of the vaginal itching and burning sensation to a large extent. This also helps in controlling the normal pH balance in the vaginal region too. To reap the benefits of this wonderful natural ingredient, one needs to wash the vaginal region twice daily with a solution of warm water mixed with raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar.

One of the easiest ways to fight the itchiness and the burning sensation in the vaginal region is by applying cold compress to the region or directly apply ice cubes or wash the area with cold water to get instant relief.


Thanks to the antifungal and antiseptic properties in boric acid, it si considered great to treat vaginal itching and burning sensation to a great extent! Application of diluted boric acid solution on the affected region and rinsing it off with warm water after one to two minutes helps in warding off the infections.

Better known as neem, is known for its medicinal properties and can help in the vaginal issues caused by yeast infections as it has antibacterial properties which help in reducing the infection resulting into the disappearance of itching and burning sensations. Rinsing the vaginal areas with lukewarm water mixed with neem oil helps in getting a quick relief.

Due to the antibacterial and antifungal properties present in raw and unpasteurized honey, it can be used as an effective remedy to stop vaginal itching and burning sensation. Application of honey on the affected parts like an ointment helps in the cure to a great extent.

A quick home remedy which is known to give a great relief from vaginal itching and burning sensation is the use of basil leaves. Due to the rich properties of basil in being antifungal, antibacterial and antimicrobial in nature, it can effectively take care of an itchy genital and the issues related to it. To reap the benefits, one needs to boil some basil leaves in water and keep it to cool. After it is cold, washing the vaginal area with this water is known to bring quick results.

Cranberries are a great remedy to keep vaginal itch and burning sensation into check due to the fact that it helps in creating an acidic environment that stops the growth and multiplication of bacteria and yeast too. Consumption of cranberry juice also helps in preventing urinary tract infections and bladder infections too.

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