Kamis, 28 September 2017

My Dentist Could Not Believe It, Look How To Relieve A Terrible Toothache In A Few Minutes And Lower The Swelling. Amazing!!!

Today we give you several home remedies to alleviate a terrible toothache in a few minutes, which is caused by infections and dental caries, even if you do not see it is considered one of the most intense pain you can have in life.
If you are one of the people who like to wait until the last moment and endure a severe toothache, before visiting the dentist, these home remedies and 100% natural are for you.

There are several causes of a strong toothache among which we can mention: caries that affects the nerves of the tooth, an abscess in the molar, the exit of the wisdom teeth, a crown or a cracked tooth and a food That stays between the teeth producing inflammation and discomfort

Home Remedies for a terrible toothache
1) The salt

It is considered very good for a toothache by its antiseptic power, Mix half a small glass of water with a spoonful of salt and gargle after each meal.

2) Garlic

Apply a little fresh garlic finely chopped into the affected tooth’s gingiva because of its antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties will help you noticeably improve the discomfort.

3) Black tea

It serves as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory for having tannic acid. You should put a little black tea bag over the sore tooth, which has been previously placed in hot water to release the teina. Wait until it is at room temperature and then apply several times a day.

4) Cloves

It is an excellent sedative. You can apply a clove directly on the gum of the sore tooth for a few minutes, or add five cloves to a mouthwash portion and rinse your mouth at least three times a day.

5) Parsley

It helps to relieve the pain, you must chew a little parsley several times a day.

Important Note: If a toothache persists, after having tried the home remedies, we recommend that you visit your dentist immediately because the problems of the mouth with the time can become a headache.

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